
The Seminole Texas Amateur Radio club has access to the communication trailer built by Aaron, N5GAH. The trailer was built to operate independently of main power while keeping the operators inside comfortable in triple digit heat or freezing temperatures.

The trailer is built with three stations for operators to work at with only one station equipped with dedicated radio equipment. All stations feature a computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Stations one and two are designed to make use of “Go Boxes” or “Go Kits” for amateur radio operations. While station three has a complete communications package for HF, VHF, UHF, CB, and GMRS. It is important to note that GMRS does require a separate license to transmit on.

While the trailer is intended primarily for club operations, it is used for other operations. Below we will list noteworthy operations that the trailer has been used in support of.

On July 1st of 2023 The Trailer was loaned to the Seminole Texas Chamber of Commerce to support their efforts with Freedom Fest 2023. In support of this event it operated as an office space for the chamber officials and as a broadcast point for the local commercial radio station KIKZ/KSEM.

On June 24th and 25th of 2023 the trailer was in the parking lot of the Seminole Porter’s store where we operated for twenty three hours of ARRL Field Day 2023. Field day 2023 was a learning experience for us, and we did learn a lot. Some minor changes in the trailer will be made based on what we learned. We also learned it is nice to have a Food Truck setup next door.

The Trailer is routinely used to transport water donated by the Seminole Porter’s store as an add on for the Bob Lewis Mission Food Drop. The Bob Lewis Mission is a ministry of the First Presbyterian Church of Seminole. This is a true test of the trailer’s designed flexibility. Should the trailer ever be needed to support a humanitarian event we know that it can be transport supplies and equipment.