The following software packages provide functionality that an amateur radio operator might find useful. Users should take all precautions when downloading software, even from known sources, as a compromised server can lead to the distribution of malware. Sometimes anti-malware software will produce false positive results on a package. Checking with the developer when you get a positive result for malware in a package is strongly advised.
Time keeping: Having an accurate clock on your computer is critical when using digital modes. The builtin windows clock synchronization solution is often inadequate for amateur radio use. Some of our members have found two solutions that work well for them:
- Meinberg NTP: This is a replacement NTP solution for windows and very flexible.
- NMEATime2: While a commercial program with a 30 day free trial, you can use this package to synchronize you computers clock using any compatible GPS receiver.
Java: The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required for running YAAC.
- Oracle Distribution: This is version from the originators of the language.
- OpenJDK: This is the opensource version of the Java system.
OpenSSL: This package is required by WSJT-X and possibly others. For windows users find the 32/64 bit version of the Windows Light for your system.