
  • First time in the local paper.
    The Seminole Sentinel had an article titled “Ham Radio Enthusiast Looking to Start Local Club” in the July 18th edition. The article explains how we seek to grow the club from our very limited roster, and some of what we do. You can find the article online here (Subscription required).
  • Field Day After Action Report
    Our 2023 field day operation revealed a number of areas where we could improve our operation. This report reflects only my (Aaron, N5GAH’s) observations of the operation. First is Trailer Operations, Second is Coordinating Operation, and the third is radio and antenna operations. Finally is that we need to get better at planning and delegating.… Read more: Field Day After Action Report
  • The Basics on ARRL Field Day and the Comm-Trailer
    What is the ARRL? The Amateur Radio Relay League is a non-profit organization and the largest membership organization of amateur radio enthusiasts. The organization was co-founded on April 6, 1914, by Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence D. Tuska of Hartford, Connecticut. About ARRL Field Day: ARRL Field Day is an annual event that takes place… Read more: The Basics on ARRL Field Day and the Comm-Trailer